Eco-Friendly Fashion: How Sustainable Clothing is Changing the Industry


  • Recycled fabrics: Most recycling programs accept old clothes as well as other household items like plastic bottles and paper towels; some municipalities even offer curbside pickup services for these items! When you donate your old clothes through these programs, they’ll be recycled into new ones instead of ending up in landfills (where they would take up valuable space). If you’re interested in this option but aren’t sure how much money it will save you or how much time it will take away from other tasks around your house (like laundry), check out this article on how much money we’d save if everyone donated their old stuff once per year instead!
  • Natural dyes: These dyes contain only plant extracts rather than harsh chemicals like those found in most conventional textile dyes which often contain toxic metals like lead chromium etcetera. In addition, many natural dyes require less energy input during production compared to conventional synthetic ones too so both socially responsible and environmentally friendly reasons why consider using them whenever possible — especially since many companies now offer organic cotton blends which means consumers looking specifically buy something to green may find themselves paying more anyway!
  • Reclaiming fabrics
  • Recycling fabrics
  • Eco-friendly label — A clothing company may use this label if its products are made from recycled materials or if they use less water and energy during production. It might also mean that their manufacturing process was more environmentally friendly than others.
  • Sustainable fashion label — This type of label means that the brand uses eco-friendly materials in their clothes, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re organic or made with recycled materials; it could just mean they use fewer chemicals in their dyeing process or something like that. You’ll need to do some research before purchasing any eco-friendly clothing brands with this type of label because there isn’t much regulation around what constitutes “sustainable fashion.”
  • Organic clothing label — Organic cotton comes from crops grown without pesticides or fertilizers (and often free range), so when you see an organic cotton shirt made by a company with this type of certification on it, know that its production processes were not harmful to humans or animals involved — or even our planet as whole!


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